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Going bad axo~


jya it was suppose to start the audio pos-prodution yesterday but as expected we couldn't. v.v
Stuff is not going good on this movie (and on the others movies either).
Edition people hadn't finnished the edition yet and we'll have to shoot one scene again.. that means find a new location set and new figuration.. the edition teacher, on yesterday meeting, said it'll be better that the director and his assistants re-write the script again on the last scene. well he's true the last scene indeed is poor on the writting.. but the last scenes are allways hard to write since its mostly the climax ending.

anyway.. the direction team is going to Hungrie as exchange program since some pp from Hungrie came to help in some movies. and only after the 24th of June we'll shoot the last scene.

I told all this to the Sound teacher explain all the situation and he said to start the audio ONLY after the movie is done.. he'll try fit us on the sound room schedule for July... what means we have to stay up all night and sleep all day to work =.= *wuuhuu yayy what a happiness* (ironic)

*sighh* wish us luck.. we must have this finnished before the 16 of July or something cuz its the date of the Big Day to show it on the cinema @.@

but meanwhile I'll be working on the Documentary project about the 'sea men' its about fishing and boats and the sea.... I'm the editor chefe and the pos-prodution for image (and guess for the sound too since I'm the only one good on it lol).
One funny thing XD our cameraman is seasick so he can't go on the boat lol.. its so funny this to happen.

ok so tomorrow I'll work on the Documentary edition .. just playing around since we missing alot of material to-be-shoot next week. but Doc teacher wants to see something next thursday.. she saw the RAW material but better to show a lign of the edition already.

jya tanoshimi ni**


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