is evryone ready for Euro2008? ^^
I can't wait to see who wins this year *cross fingers for Portugal*
I don't normally like soccer but I love to see the world championship and the Euro ^_~ yhmmm I wonder if we'll see another intense Beckham vrs Ronaldo 'fight' XD oh ya it's just holding your breath until the last minute ^^;; lol they weren't qualifyed (only now my dad told me.. that means to 'fight' =( *sad* )
but Portugal will win this year! *hopes*...
we're just like Nelly Furtado says on her song (from the mundial) "como uma força.. como uma força... como uma força que ninguem pode parar" noone can stop us!
THE Team:
Hey 'Golden Boy'!! hope you play the best you can and make us win! you won the 'Best player on the WORLD' title yo!!
oky he's cute and has a great body can't say no to that =P lol
tonight is the starting and Portugal will play against Turkey. I'll come here later to post the result of the first game.
1st PORT X TUR = 2 x 0
2nd PORT X CHR = 3 x 1
we're now leadering the Group A ^^

Meanwhile I got the HTML to my blog but will change it a lot.. resume I'll only preserve the 'skeleton' of the original maker and that means that I'll only finnish evrything on the end of July cuz I'm so busy right now with all these projects ><
today was a great day indeed loll.. had my first touch with real actors .. it was amazing~ I'll write about it some day later ^^;;
I totally can picture me on Japan directing Takki (or even Tsub) as an actor on a drama. lol.. oky just kidding =P it would be really difficult, just not telling that it would be really embarassing and awkward ^^;;; but work IS work ne?
hmmm I'm going to write to Penguins to ask how it was to direct takki on the magic show.. I mean it's not a fiction but it still requires some directing and specially some mise-en-place... and I'm curious to know how it is to work with someone from other contry where you don't master the language. ^^
tags~ others