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just a quick stop to say congratulations to Russia to win the 2008 Eurovision Song Contest....
It was indeed a fantastic song and performance!! congratulations~!
here the winner performance: "Believe"

Of corse I wanted that Portugal win this... but I'm still very proud since it's the First time that we pass to a final, and in 43 contries we ended in 13th place! sugoiii~
congratulations to VĂ¢nia Fernandes! you were the best! you made us all proud representing us on that stage! a big kiss to you and to the others too!
the song was fantastic the lyrics are very strong showing the true portuguese force and will.
here the performance: "Lady of the Sea"

one more thing:
A quem ler este post mande um e-mail pa RTP a pedir que a 'Senhora do Mar' seja o hino the Portugal no EURO. Obrigada.

leaving you the Spain performance too. It was hilarious loll ... it was what we call a true 'cromo' loll... I loved it though very funny (the way he says 'Michael Jackson' is.. LMAO).. dance the 'chiki chiki' XP lol

the new design of my blog is going slowlly, the exams are going sweet but tiring XS (I just hate Law and teoric Photography -_- *sigh*).. and the final projects? well I can say that next week will be where stress and panic begins x_x ... baka teachers are posting the project dates all to the same time! bakabakabakabaka >< how can we shoot 3 short movies for the same time?? (one is only a interview but still... ><) I want to yell, run away and hide myself somewhere where noone can find me >x< ahh~

see you soon*


  1. ss said...
    I really like the song by the Russian guy...the instrumentals are really pretty.
    Did the UK or Ireland compete in this too? I've never heard of this contest before. Just wondering who all the contestants/countries were. Thanks for sharing such interesting things!
    ss said...
    Oh and the woman from Portugal has one of the best voices I've heard.
    ~Miron~ said...
    hii stephi~
    ya they compete on it too.. they were also cool and ireland was very funny (see here: ) for UK see here
    Ukraine and greece were cool too btw...
    this year the songs were very good ^^ just search on youtube for 'eurovision 2008' and you'll see the performances of the other contries ^^

    ya she has an amazing voice.. she won the national contest here (similar to idols) so she was chosed to go to EuroVision ^^

    thank you for your comment *hug*
    ss said...
    Yah, watched the british one...didn't really like the song lol..I thought they'd have something better picked out to showcase. (v__v) Usually british singers are really good.

    My favorite is definately the portugal entry.

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