~Happy Birthday Tackey!~
otanjoubi omedetou
otanjoubi omedetou
awwww.. it's That day already ^^
Wish you, Tackey, the best!.. all the luck and success for your live, much love, fun and happiness on all the days that'll come.
Hope you have a great birthday with all the people you love and care. ^_^
Kissu of Happy Birthday*
I made a wallpaper in commemoration of today ^^ hope everyone like it..
I found these cute pics of Takki from Jrs times cooking and remembered of Takitsuba last year calendar and a magazine that had him cooking... he has the same facial expressions ne ^____^ that's why the title of the wallie is "Something never change"
if you're going to repost this somewhere ask first
comments are love... everyone knows that ;)

*nice day*
tags~ ☆Tackey and Tsubasa
Thanks a cute wallpaper! Nice work. I've seen all the others you make, you do such nice work!