I found this quiz in some forum, a lot of time ago, and was funny to see the result because in that time I didn't know much about of what was the 'johnny's'
I got this result:

What kind of Johnny's Jrs fan are you?
You're a Bishounen Oikake! AKA a "chaser of pretty Japanese boys", you like the Johnny's mainly because it's a huge collection of pretty boys all gathered in one place to entertain you. You probably like w-inds, Flame and Lead, too, as well as any other band or drama that has cute Japanese boys in it. I like the cut of your jib.
Take this quiz!

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Here's another one:
What type of JE fangirl are you?
My result was something about me only liking the older groups...hmm....true true *cough cough* I really don't know much about the younger groups and don't normally listen to them... ^_^;
Another one:
Who is your asian band?
got Tackey and Tsubasa but.... this quiz is stupid 'cause no matter what your answers are, it's the group you choose in the last question that'll be your final result v_v
going now...
school almost starting (don't want too!!!!!! >3<) but before a marketing exam and a week full of "have to go" workshops (ya I don't want to go but is obligator.... our coordinator is so evil!! XS)
jya ^_~**
tags~ others
Yeah, I did that JE fangirl r u one too but, it's ok. I think I did that one from Trish's one.
Btw, thanks for dropping by my cbox. ^_^ Here's my email: akatsuru01@gmail.com (for the wallies u made me)